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jeux de ficelle - string figures

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The Origin of String FiguresExplorers and anthropologists around the end of the 19th century discovered the game of string figure making in many parts of the world: the Arctic, North and South America, the Pacific islands, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and South East Asia. The occurrence of string figure making among such widely separated peoples led several writers to suggest an ancient origin. But the earliest evidence of string figure making that has come to light is in a Greek document of the 4th century AD.

Pour en savoir un peu plus sur les auteurs ou les passionnés de ficelle....
To know more about the authors or the string figures's enthusiasts.
If you want to learn new string figures, you'll find all the string figures here that enthusiasts think you should know about. If you're a string figure enthusiast, and any of your favorite figures are not here, please add them to the collection.
<http://alysion.org/string.htm> <http://www.storyteller-wordsmith.com/>



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Copyright © 1999-2012 Jean-Paul Davalan - Reproduction interdite.